El arte corporal es maravilloso... aveces...
hay otras veces en que el momento de ¨inmortalizar¨ en tu piel lo que tanto te gusta o tus creencias, se vuelve un completo DESASTRE...
En este
link podrás encontrar la lista más extensa de ¨stupidity performed on skin¨ que haya encontrado hasta ahora... en todo caso, no los voy a postear todos, pero aquí vienen algunas ¨clasificaciones¨ :s


*Oh sweety!... you really need some BP (brain power)!!!

*Now you just need to tat your dick as the Enterprise...

*Only thing missing here is McDonalds... fat ass!!!

*WOW... now you can practice in jail too...

*Press F1 to find mental help!!!


*Mom said I was too rude... this Kitty makes me look cuter???

*yeah... I love the McTastyRat... super sized and super dumbed, please!

*I´m the smartest side of his brain!!!

*I feel like a Puma... but look like an asshole with spiky dentures!!!

*I achieved everything in life...
always wanted big boobs, blue eyes and blond hair...


*I´m not gay, but please measure your pickle next to mine!!!

*Ode to a bloody-flying tampax across my room!!!
(oh! it was stinky too...)

*The octomom tattoo... beef curtains are totally in!!!


*Finalmente sabemos el paradero del UNICORNIO AZUL...
Fumando mecha y pisando con el unicornio rosa al final del arco iris... no se le perdió... dejó a Silvio por ¨algo mejor¨!!!


*Now we know as a fact that Chucky had 2 little ones!

*Celebrity children compilation... Mask´s daughter!

*This is how your baby is gonna look like in 80 years!

*Is that an ass on your ass???...

*I guess little Courtney was born face down... to the floor!!! LOL...

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